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💋 You’re a great candidate for PMU lips if you’re looking to add color to your lips, enhance your lip shape, add fullness and/or correct asymmetry. 

💋 Keep in mind, if you’ve ever experienced a cold sore on your lips (even just one), you must get an antiviral prescription from your doctor and take it at least 3 days before and after your lip procedure. Valtrex and Acyclovir are recommended. 


*Additional lip makeup applications may still be required post lip tattoo to achieve your desired look. Lip color tattooing is meant to look natural and enhance your own lip as well as define your shape! 



•No alcohol 24 hours prior is recommended

•You cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding

•No caffeine 

•No blood thinners

•If you suffer from cold sores or have been prone to cold sores in the past. You will need to be taking acyclovir at least 3 days prior to your appointment and continue to take it 3 days after your procedure. This can be obtained from your “Primary Care Physician”.

•No botox/dysport in lip area or lip filler/injections 4 weeks prior 

•No antibiotics 2 months prior

•No Accutane should be used within 1 year


**Not following these rules will result in forfeiting your appointment and deposit**




•Make sure hands are “Clean” before you touch your lips 

•Wash lips before bed with luke warm water and unscented soap or cleanser. 

•Apply the aftercare that is given to you by your artist and apply after cleaning. You do not have to scrub, be gentle! Repeat in the morning. 

•You will continue this for 5 days min.


**Please remember this is a new tattoo and needs to be cared for like an open wound. Do not over saturate and don’t let lips get to dry! They need to be moisturized! 



•Please do not use any lip makeup for 1 week other than the Lip balm that is given to you.

•Please No scratching, picking or licking of dry skin. 

•No hot or spicy foods during the first 24 hours.

•No foreign body fluids in or around the lips for a minimum of 5 days.

•No extreme sweating for 5 days

•No swimming pools, hot tubs,floating the river for 5 days minimum.

•No Sun bathing or Tanning beds for 5 days

•No laser light therapy, as it can darken/lighten or distort the pigment of the lip color.

•No exfoliants, retinol acids, glycolic acids and alpha hydroxy acids on the area for 30 days after the appointment (causes premature fading).

•Please refrain from massages, facials or skin treatments for 5 days.


**Dark lip pigmentation will require neutralization first

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